Sunday, June 10, 2007

Frantically Busy, But a Funny Bit ... err Bot to Share

Folks that know what I do know I've been phenomenally busy the last 10 days, hence the dearth of posts. I'm somewhere beyong Pauly hours and in the Jonno range, for those that understand the reference, and doing it while staring at four blank walls makes it much, much tougher --- I can't draw any adrenaline from the event.

Anyhow, while wrapping things up tonight and turning my attention to personal e-mails, I said awww-$^&$&^$-it and fired up the very late night $3,000 Guaranteed over on It's not so much that I took it down --- which I did, and that's pleasing --- but that my heads-up opponent was reported to be a suspected bot by one of the other final tablists. (There ya go, BJ, I used your pet phrase.)

Anyhow, my opinion of this mystery opponent was that not only that it was indeed a bot, but it also was a very bad one, at least head-to-head. It looks like NL MTT bots do exist, but if this is the state of the art, bring 'em on. God, did it suck, although I guess it is $600 richer.

More details to follow.

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