Friday, June 09, 2006

Upon My Head, A Bounty Hath Been Placed

So nice of blogspot/blogger to be down much of yesterday... at least on those occasions when I checked.

Anyhow, as I was able to display over at the original site yesterday: Kris tells me that there's a bounty on my tight/weak --- or is that weak/tight (???) derriere; whoever bounces me out of my tourney --- how dare you! --- automatically wins a seat to the final. (!) I've also had a sneak peek at the table design; it's a nice, clean look, and won't interfere at all with my being the sacrificial lamb for your chip-gorging festivities.

And before the "tight/weak" jokes start --- remember that I'm from Wisconsin. Up there, "dairy air" has another meaning altogether.

See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

moneymate said...

Kewl, another chance for the MoneyMate to make it into the finals :p